Lose Weight Without Exercise - 5 Tips To Help Shed The Pounds

By Sheila Bell

The amount of overweight people in our society is rapidly increasing. The majority of overweight people want to lose weight and get healthy but the thought of beginning an exercise routine and continuing it long term seems to difficult.

Regular exercise should be included in every weight loss program. However many people find it difficult to maintain an exercise routine and quit. Is there a way to lose weight without exercise?

The good news is there are some simple ways to lose weight without exercising.

Kick The Soda Habit

One can of cola contains approximately 140 calories which offer no health benefit. Drinking two sodas daily can pack on up to 30 extra pounds yearly.

That is a huge amount of weight from a product that offers no nutritional value. If you start by eliminating soda from your diet you will begin to lose some of those unwanted pounds.

Choose Healthy Low Calorie Snacks

When you find yourself getting hungry between meals, reach for something healthy like a piece of fruit instead of cakes and cookies.

Fruit is a healthy alternative to junk food that can satisfy your craving for sweets just as effectively.

Be Aware Of The Amount Of Food You Are Consuming

Cutting back on the amount of food you are eating and monitoring the number of calories you are consuming is essential for weight loss.

To make this work, eat only the recommended portion sizes for each meal. If this is to drastic initially, just cut the normal amount you would eat in half.

If you implement this one thing on a regular basis you will begin to lose weight.

Consume Eight or More Glasses Of Water Daily

Water plays a vital role in our bodies. It is responsible for keeping our internal organs functioning properly.

If you drink a glass of water before each meal, it will cause you to eat less because the water fills your stomach making you less hungry. Using water as a replacement for high calorie soft drinks is simple yet effective way to reduce your weight.

To get the most health and weight loss benefit from water, drink at least 8 glasses daily.

Use The Stairs

Many times we jump on the elevator without giving it a second thought. Next time, why not take the stairs. While it may not be intense exercise, taking the stairs is a great way to burn a few extra calories.

Simple little changes like this can have a long and lasting positive on your health and your waistline.

Incorporating simple changes like this into your lifestyle can help you lose weight and get fit.

Losing weight can be done without exercise but adding exercise will drastically speed up the results and improve your health.

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Lose Weight Without Exercise - 5 Tips To Help Shed The Pounds Lose Weight Without Exercise - 5 Tips To Help Shed The Pounds Reviewed by Editors on 14:18 Rating: 5

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