How To Change Your Life Today

By Donald M. Sharp

How to change your life can be a simple process. It requires you knowing what you want and steering clear from what you don't want, making manifesting your desires a piece of cake. But is it that easy?It isn't that easy, yet the process is simple.You see, life is what you make it. You can have, be and do whatever you want. The world is full of abundance just waiting for you to grab it. We often hear these statements in one form or another, yet you might still be wondering, "How can I have, be and do whatever I want, and where's the abundance that they all talk about? They all give you the 'how to change your life' formula with bits missing. What can I do to have the things I want to show up in my life?"

We learn and acquire habits during all our life. Habits are those familiar and automated actions resulted from learning processes. Any task or action we learn how to do and then perform repeatedly transforms into a habit. This is the mechanism through which we get used to do a lot of (good or bad!) things like: walking, cycling, reading, witting, driving a car, using the computer, smoking, watching TV, drinking coffee, hanging on forums or Facebook, etc.

Among all the actions we perform on a daily basis, good habits are those having favorable influence on our lives, while bad habits are the actions resulting in negative outcomes for us and for people close to us as well. Bad habits are usually called addictions.But let me make a distinction here. Letting addictions aside, we can further split all our daily habits in habits which add in our personal development and habits which are just wasting our time.Think a little bit of everything you do daily. What are you doing every morning, then during the time you spend at the office, and when you're back home in the evening? Now ask yourself: will your life be different if you change any of your daily actions? If, instead of watching TV for two hours in the evening you read a book or learn something new on a subject that interest you, will anything change in your life? Or, if every morning you work out for a half an hour, will anything be different?

So what does this have to do with self hypnosis? Well, here is another secret for you - Self hypnosis is nothing but a logical, proven way to communicate directly with your subconscious mind. It is not mystical, magical, or even spiritual (although you can use it to increase your spirituality if you wish).Self hypnosis lets you bypass the logical, critical conscious mind to re-program your inner beliefs and expectations. Through self hypnosis downloads, you can present new, more beneficial ideas and expectations to your subconscious mind, and your subconscious mind will make them a new reality in your life.

Here's how to change your life in one single step: feed your mind with positive situations and material items you have in your life, and be grateful for them. Be grateful you're alive, be grateful that you have a roof over your head, that you have clothes to wear, that you have a TV, a computer, a car or money to take public transportation, a job. As you focus on the great things that you already have in your life, you will shift your focus from the gloomy and negative to the bright and positive. And when you are grateful for those situations and items you will manifest more of them. For you to become happy in life, have happy thoughts; be more aware of the happy moments that you have, focus on them, be grateful for them and you will have more happy moments to enjoy.This may take some discipline on your part, but, if you want your life to improve, it's important that you take control of your thoughts; switch your negative and gloomy thoughts and turn them into bright, positive and grateful thoughts.

Move away from worrying about money or your bills. Instead, think about the amount of money you already have, be grateful for it and see how it allows you to pay for the things you want.That's what the Law of Attraction is about: like attracts like. You are currently living the life that you created with your past thoughts. You can now choose to create a better life by utilising your most powerful possession, your thoughts, to bring in more of the great things to your life. How to change your life can be a one step process: focus on the things you already have that are good in your life, and focus on the things you DO want. Do NOT dwell on the things you do NOT want. Develop the attitude of gratitude and start manifesting your desires.By the way, do you want to learn more about how you can change your life and start manifesting your desires? If you do, I suggest you check this out: Change Your Life

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How To Change Your Life Today How To Change Your Life Today Reviewed by Editors on 12:32 Rating: 5

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