Affirmations, Positive Sayings And How To Intensify Them

By Lawrence S. Layton

The use of positive affirmations in New Age Thinking is in abundant practice. Our thoughts, either positive or negative, are in a sense an affirmation. These thoughts create and reinforce our beliefs. It is our belief system that creates our personality and makes us who we are. In order to grow and improve ourselves, we must change our limiting beliefs.

Once a person has questioned themselves through self introspection and identified areas in which to improve, then the repeated use of positive affirmations directed towards specific limiting beliefs is a powerful tool.You may ask, "What is a positive affirmation?" It is a positive statement, usually in the present tense. This statement is repeatedly expressed to yourself either silently or verbally spoken aloud. You can also practice affirmations by listening to prerecorded CD's and DVD's.There are several methods to intensify the affirmation process. An excellent method is to write the affirmation down repeatedly. By writing, you are also making a contract with yourself and this is very powerful.Another method is to say the affirmation forcefully out loud with passion. This bold verbalization reinforces the importance of your statement to the subconscious.

When using encouragement quotes to uplift your mood and spirit, it is important to choose ones that give you a physical "zing of good feeling" when you read them. Why? Because this is your emotional intelligence telling you that you will benefit greatly by having that positive motivational quote around you. Positive thinking quotes, positivity quotes and other positive sayings actually carry with them a positive energy. The stronger the "zing" you feel from your encouragement quotes, the stronger impact they can have on your energy.

TIP ONE: First, let's briefly discuss the importance of keeping quotes on positive thinking, hope quotes and other encouraging positive phrases around you. While it's been said for a long time that we are a product of our environment, many times we forget exactly how true this simple concept is when leading our daily lives where we are constantly bombarded with negativity. Just like a flower that is fed and watered with nutrients so it can bloom, so we must feed ourselves with positivity quotes, hope quotes, positive sayings and overall good quotes that offset the doom and gloom we absorb from today's media influences. To put it simply, if you put a white potato in a bowl of purple water, you're going to have a purple infused potato. So, if you put yourself in a "bowl of negative exposure daily," you're going to have a "negatively infused body, mind and spirit." One the other hand, if your purple water is a "bowl of positive exposure daily," you're going to have a "positively infused body, mind and spirit."

One suggestion would be that if you like one particular template, to download it and use it several times in different arrangements such as horizontally or vertically in a collection to showcase a variety of your encouragement quotes, positive phrases, positive attitude quotes and other positivity quotes.You could also make up the same positive motivation quote postcard (or blow it up to a poster if the resolution is high enough) and cascade it in a set of three posters on your wall because using repetition in this fashion works well.

There are a variety of ways to use encouragement quotes, hope quotes, quotes on positive thinking and other good quotes to keep your energy uplifted and motivated. Once you have found positive sayings that have a strong emotional charge to them, a few good templates where you can put your positive quotes, and get a bit creative about decorating your walls with all of your positive quotes, you're well on your way to becoming more positive on a moment to moment basis - even when you're not thinking about it.

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Affirmations, Positive Sayings And How To Intensify Them Affirmations, Positive Sayings And How To Intensify Them Reviewed by Editors on 12:27 Rating: 5

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